Monday, March 14, 2011


so,aku nk cite kt ni smthing.aku harap sape yg terasa terlibat dgn apa yg aku tulis ni,pls cl@text me after u read this.aku tau,ada jgk tk puas hati ,maybe dendam,semua mcm tu,aku akui,tp pls la,simpan jauh2 dlm hati,don't publish,aku dh ckp kn,jgn bg smpai org lain tau.i don't know sape yg kau tulis tu,tp plss la,don't publish.this is for the sake of our relatisionship which is friendship...aku tau,aku pon bnyk silap,sorry ,tp this is the way to settle this ok...pls,do call or text me for any questions.dun worry,we will hVE good conversation,not bad conversation..